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Image by Heather Suggitt

Get Involved

Hopeful Hearts 4 Haiti is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under IRS guidelines. This means your contribution is eligible for tax deduction pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code section covering deductibility for donations to 501(c)(3) designated groups.

Image by Harald Arlander

Join the Hope Squad

Your Time — The Gift That Uplifts

Single voices may struggle to be heard, but when joined, they can drive meaningful change.


By becoming a member of Hopeful Hearts 4 Haiti, you directly help uplift overlooked communities in Haiti. 


Or if you can, volunteer your time and talent even once - through fundraising, spreading awareness, lending professional expertise.


However you get involved, you alter lives!

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Fund New Hope 

Your Gift — The Start of Change


What can a few dollars accomplish? More than you realize.


Placed in the right hands, your donation removes obstacles blocking vulnerable communities in Haiti.


Right now, students are striving to pursue academics despite lacking basics. Mothers seek treatment but funding limitations create barriers. Your generosity can empower lives by clearing the path towards knowledge and wellness.


You hold the power to reshape lives this minute. Education secured. Wellness restored. Opportunities realized - not extinguished.


The change starts when you start. Empower change today by donating what you can.

Image by TopSphere Media

Foster a Child's Hopes 

Your Heart — The Guiding Light

Think back to who at one pivotal moment saw your unsteady steps...and steadied you. That mentor. That chance. An act of compassion.


This is your chance to pay that gift forward.


We need your heart and humanity to help a student right now, staring down adversity in Haiti. 


Sponsor a student!


Give monthly or give annually. Each donation is a push setting an overlooked student firmly on the path toward self-sufficiency and brighter days.


You hold the key to reroute destinies. It's time!

Hopeful Hearts 4 Haiti is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under IRS guidelines. This means your contribution is eligible for tax deduction pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code section covering deductibility for donations to 501(c)(3) designated groups.

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